Oh My God: Messiaen in the Ear of the Unbeliever
Here are a few of my favorite pages from the book so far. They are incomplete--the white space at the bottom will hold a sort of "director's commentary," possibly in my illegible handwriting. At this point I have no idea what it will say. In any case, this is a work in progress, so whether or not you know the movie, feedback is welcome! Share your thoughts in the blog comments or email me (paulfesta at gmail dot com).
Also--remember to click on the images for bigger versions (important when there's 10-pt font to read!).

Labels: Albert Fuller, Apparition, art, blogging, Harold Bloom, Jackie Beat, John Cameron Mitchell, Justin Bond, Karen Hartman, Kiki, Messiaen, Ron Gallman, Sandi Dubowski, Squeaky Blonde, Wayne Koestenbaum
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